Daily Archives: December 19, 2006

Tis the season

Hmmm… We had a grassfire in the nature reserve right next door just now and the scary part is I had no idea! Bit of a worry, but that goes to show how dry it is here in Canberra. The wind was blowing in our direction, had the firemen not arrived when they did, our property would have been burning within a few minutes! Scary that I didn’t even know. It’s so windy too. It came to within 5 metres of our property… I was sitting here at the computer finishing xmas pressies, the kids playing in the living room and all of a sudden I smell a strong smokey smell. I look outside and there it is: just a huge wall of smoke.  Freaky that I just could not know, which then leads me to the question: how do the firemen know? Either someone was walking past and noticed it, or as a friend who called immediately suggested: they can tell via satellite. Pretty amazing if that’s the case. I’m just glad they came when they did!


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