Our Lady of Guadalupe at Notre Dame Cathedral

The usual tourist stop at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France yielded a mosaic find of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I will admit to not being a big fan of churches. The day we went it was crowded, touristy and just plain creepy! I did get a little excited though when I saw the mosaic. She’s cool!!! You have to check out the very kitsch crown. It made my day 😉 She appears to be made from smalti including gold. I’m not one for religious icons, but I like her and as far as technical execution is concerned I can’t fault it one bit! It’s fantastic. No idea though when it was made or by whom…

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Cherub

Our Lady of Guadalupe - detail


Filed under Art, Building, Cathedral, Europe, France, Mosaic, Murals, Paris, Portraiture, Public Art, Religious Icon, Round the World, Travel, Uncategorized

2 responses to “Our Lady of Guadalupe at Notre Dame Cathedral

  1. gunner

    The smaller close up of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Notre Dame Cathedral, I’d like to post the pic. on my myspace. Would that be ok? If so, could you sent me the image or the imbedded image code? It’s an awsome pic. …and inspirational for my next tattoo.

  2. scribbleandscribe

    Oh to only be able to see this in person!
    How fortunate you are. I agree that those old buildings are a bit creepy though!

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