
All images and text on this site are copyright by me, unless otherwise noted. In which case I link the photo/excerpt text to it’s rightful owner. If you want to use my images anywhere I’m happy for you to do so, as long as you are not making any money from it. That not being the case, then please let me know about it and link the image and text back to me. I’d also prefer you not to reprint entire text, but simply take an excerpt and link back to the original one! Any of these images, in particular my mosaic, are not to be downloaded and manipulated or reproduced in any way.

I hope to serve you as inspiration only. Get creative and bring out who you are!

Thankyou and enjoy…

One response to “Copyright

  1. Hi,in tho blog of Political murals there are one notice of your blog,its only for view,not for money.
    Thanks ,and if you don´t agree,please send one mail to :

    Sorry but my english is poor.

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