Artist Watch: Susan Crocenzi

I’ve decided to start a series of other mosaic artists that inspire me. I thought I’d start with Susan Crocenzi, aka sucra88. I found her through Flickr (good ol’ flickr!!!) and instantly fell in love with what I saw. It was an extreme ooh & aah session (and a few laughing moments) going through her photostream. I really like what she does. It’s very different, I think, to what I’ve been seeing lately and also I look at it and DON’T think: “I could do that”, so of course it’s very inspiring! Plus, she’s really nice and very funny and very interesting!!!

Susan seems to work alot with tempered glass, something I havn’t yet quite got my head around. I’ve used it in Kashmir before, with an indian silk underneath but it just didn’t quite have the same effect.

Susan’s love and study of art began early. She won a haiku contest about bunnies in fourth grade and years later managed to have three art classes her senior year of high school.

After graduating from Chico State in 1987, she spent the next thirteen years teaching middle school English. Being a teacher was the most difficult, joyous and significant accomplishment of her life.

She left teaching in 2002 and has been immersed in mosaics ever since, often pondering how middle schoolers and tesserae (the little bits of material that make up mosaics) have a lot in common:

  • There are a lot of them scrunched into a very small space.
  • They’re lovely, each in his/her/its own way.
  • Tesserae don’t love you like kids do.
  • On the other hand, tesserae don’t follow you around the classroom, pulling at the hem of your shirt, begging repeatedly, “Ms. Cro, Ms. Cro! Will you read your bunny haiku again, Ms. Cro? The bunnies! Hey! Ms. Cro, will you read your haiku? It’s so funny! Huh? I can’t believe that thing won a prize, Ms. Cro. Please? Come on!”

Now she lives and creates in a (very quiet) cabin in the woods of the California Sierra Foothills. As a kayaker, hiker, and gardener, her work is most influenced by nature, as well as poetry, and others’ mosaics.

Susan has studied under several esteemed mosaic artists including Laurel True, Ellen Blakeley, Sonia King, and Jenny Iams-McGuire. She has studied the mosaics of many countries, including Turkey, Spain, and Mexico. She is a member of the Society of American Mosaic Artists, and Mosaic Artists Online.

Anyway, I think I’ll let her work speak for themselves…

Arcetri originally uploaded by sucra88 – I think this one, so far, is my all time favourite. I love this one!!!


Andrea originally uploaded by sucra88

Twilight on Mill Creek Lane
Twilight on Mill Creek originally uploaded by sucra88

Electric Kool-Aid
Electric Kool-Aid originally uploaded by sucra88

Shabby Chic/Victorian Yard Art Flower
Shabby Chic/Victorian Yard Art Flower originally uploaded by sucra88

originally uploaded by sucra88

And the artiste in question, sitting atop the stairway in Sunset Heights in San Francisco:

Susan being all inspired and thoughtful and happy and stuff
Susan being all inspired and thoughtful and happy and stuff originally uploaded by sucra88

Aren’t these stairs amazing?! They were made by Colette Crutcher & Aileen Barr a few years back now. Check out more pics in Susan’s staircase set.

I think Susan is an artist to watch! I’m looking forward to doing a swap with her soon! 🙂

If you are interested in purchasing any of her beautiful artworks, email her on sucra88 [at]



Filed under Art, Artist Watch Series, Artists, Emerging, Female, Flickr, Garden Mosaics, Inspiration, Mosaic, Polymer Clay, Rant, Round the World, Susan Crocenzi, Tempered Glass, Uncategorized, USA, Wall Hanging

8 responses to “Artist Watch: Susan Crocenzi

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  2. Nola Roberts

    Fantastic!! I am infatuated with glass and have been doing slumped Dichroic Glass pendants and have been doing some mosiac with a friend I love your work Nola

  3. Carol

    I am big fan of Susan’s! Her work is freah and fun and colorful!


  4. Pingback: Susan Crocenzi « Emilia Käsitöö

  5. Pingback: Polymer Clay Daily » Crocenzi’s Polymer Tesserae

  6. I am in love with tempered glass…I feel that Susan is “Da Girl” in this field….she is always looking for new concepts and pushing limits…making them hers…Susan has a wonderfully creative mind and proves it in her art..I am total awe of her work…

  7. I totally agree Stace 🙂 Her work is just amazing. I’m doing a trade with her for a website. She’s having me design her one and I’m having her whip up some magic and send it all on over this side of the World 🙂 I’m always excited to see new posts on her Flickr site. I’d almost say I’m her number 1 fan, but I might be competing with you for that title… 😉

  8. I am totally inspired by Susan’s work! Isn’t it great? …so fresh, colorful and designed so beautifully. What an awesome artist. I can hardly wait to see her flickr uploads!

    Stacy Alexander

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