Monthly Archives: June 2007

More Mosaic Made by Kids!

These are all old now: my boys made them at the ages of 4 and 2, but they are still in the garden (by the entrance to the secret hideout) and still intact! Both the boys made the whole thing themselves. I helped Liam with drawing the icecream cone, but it was his concept and he chose all the colours and mostly lay the tile himself (he was only 2!!!). Rory made his entire stepping stone himself from start to finish! They used all broken ceramic tile that they laid directly onto the stepping stone. Made in 2005.

Kids never cease to amaze me – even when they’re seriously pushing the boundaries. In fact that’s when they really don’t cease to amaze me!!! 🙂 It’s time now for my daughter to start wielding her wand… She wants to do one that is pink and purple and that involves mermaids or ballerinas! It is absolutely inherent!!! I’ve never consciously thrown this kind of thing to my kids and yet the boys are boys and they’re into all the typical (stereotypical?) boy things. Molly is a girl in every way, has been since the day she was born. We are definitely different species…
3, 2, 1...Aaahh!

3, 2, 1…Aaaah!!! by Rory

The Greatest Icecream

The Greatest Icecream by Liam


Filed under Art, Australia, Canberra, Flickr, Garden Mosaics, Ice cream, Kids, Mosaic, Rant, Rocket, Stepping Stones, Uncategorized

Campsie RSL

Over the long weekend my family and I headed on over to Sydney – yet again – for a family reunion. These are always a blast, probably for many reasons, the main one being that you catch up with family that you have not seen in many years… It’s always good. The other is that it always is a bit of a raucous, drunken fest! This time the reunion was narrowed down to descendants of my paternal grandfather. There are many of us! Hard to believe we are all here because of one man, if you want to look at it like that. Atleast that was the shared commonality. I look forward to the next, I think I volunteered myself to organise it. I’m a glutton for punishment, but do love this kind of thing and figure I have atleast a year, maybe two to do it in… Probably won’t wait two years though!

Anyway, mosaic related? Can you believe that yes it is! The front entrance to the Returned Services League in Campsie (where we had the reunion) is all mosaic 😉

I have not heard back from anyone as to who the artist is or when it was installed. The entire mosaic is made from glass tile. Other than the white grout (in my opinion one should never use white grout in mosaic!!!), it’s a good piece. Particularly for it’s purpose. See!? Mosaic is so versatile!

RSL Campsie

RSL - close up

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Filed under Architectural Installations, Art, Australia, Building, Business, Flickr, Mosaic, Murals, Public Art, RSL, Sydney, Travel, Uncategorized