Tag Archives: Tempered Glass

Mosaic in Film: Iron Man

OK… so not really mosaic in this film. Just a heap of tempered glass with all the testosterone-induced fighting.

BUT, I felt it worthy to mention in this context simply because there is alot of tempered glass and I watched this a while back when I was on my hunt. All I could think of was “Man!!! Look at all that TG… I wonder what they did with it?”. It’d be a shame to think that it all ended up in the bin, where no doubt it did end up. Someone ought to start some kind of film-industry-clean-up-for-art association!

The movie stars Robert Downey Jr and I actually enjoyed it – a great DVD night in, I should think. When the film opened with an AC/DC song, I knew it would, at the least, be entertaining 🙂 Great soundtrack… did I mention Robert Downey Jr?


Filed under Art, Mosaic, Mosaic in Film, Mosaic Materials, Rant, Tempered Glass, Uncategorized